Study on ICT requirements in Mali of different agricultural value chains focussing on Mango traceability and data analysis in MS PowerBI in the Green Innovation Centre (GIZ/AFC)

Traceability, Chain-of-Custody and Market Platform application for the Lao timber chain implemented for Burapha Agroforestry supported by the develoPPP.de-facility

Operation of a QR-code based traceability system for high-value crops in the Tay Ninh province in Vietnam

High-value fruit producers associated with the company Les Vergers Du Mekong (LVDM) in Vietnam improve their GAP compliance with WeTrace for export. The solution includes an ‘input store’ which tracks input orders (allowing for the flagging of forbidden substances)

For coffee producers in Vietnam and Kenya under the framework of the Global Coffee Platform, WeTrace provides advisory services, GIS mapping and tracking of national sustainability curricula

For coffee producers in Vietnam and Kenya under the framework of the Global Coffee Platform, WeTrace provides advisory services, GIS mapping and tracking of national sustainability curricula

Small-scale farmers in Togo supported by the Green Innovation Centre (GIZ/GFA) are benefitting from a market information system which provides real-time information on prices paid at local markets across the country

Data management and knowledge dissemination for the InnovAfrica project which is aimed at improving food and nutritional security in Africa, funded under the European Union (EU) Africa Research and Innovation Partnership. The project is implemented by a consortium of 16 institutions from Africa and Europe and is jointly coordinated by the Norwegian Institute of Bio-economy (NIBIO) and the Bioscience eastern and central Africa-ILRI (BecA-ILRI) Hub.

Data management and knowledge dissemination for the InnovAfrica project which is aimed at improving food and nutritional security in Africa, funded under the European Union (EU) Africa Research and Innovation Partnership. The project is implemented by a consortium of 16 institutions from Africa and Europe and is jointly coordinated by the Norwegian Institute of Bio-economy (NIBIO) and the Bioscience eastern and central Africa-ILRI (BecA-ILRI) Hub.

Data management and knowledge dissemination for the InnovAfrica project which is aimed at improving food and nutritional security in Africa, funded under the European Union (EU) Africa Research and Innovation Partnership. The project is implemented by a consortium of 16 institutions from Africa and Europe and is jointly coordinated by the Norwegian Institute of Bio-economy (NIBIO) and the Bioscience eastern and central Africa-ILRI (BecA-ILRI) Hub.

Data management and knowledge dissemination for the InnovAfrica project which is aimed at improving food and nutritional security in Africa, funded under the European Union (EU) Africa Research and Innovation Partnership. The project is implemented by a consortium of 16 institutions from Africa and Europe and is jointly coordinated by the Norwegian Institute of Bio-economy (NIBIO) and the Bioscience eastern and central Africa-ILRI (BecA-ILRI) Hub.

Data management and knowledge dissemination for the InnovAfrica project which is aimed at improving food and nutritional security in Africa, funded under the European Union (EU) Africa Research and Innovation Partnership. The project is implemented by a consortium of 16 institutions from Africa and Europe and is jointly coordinated by the Norwegian Institute of Bio-economy (NIBIO) and the Bioscience eastern and central Africa-ILRI (BecA-ILRI) Hub.

Data management and knowledge dissemination for the InnovAfrica project which is aimed at improving food and nutritional security in Africa, funded under the European Union (EU) Africa Research and Innovation Partnership. The project is implemented by a consortium of 16 institutions from Africa and Europe and is jointly coordinated by the Norwegian Institute of Bio-economy (NIBIO) and the Bioscience eastern and central Africa-ILRI (BecA-ILRI) Hub.
Location and traceability analysis of the local cotton value chain in order to highlight bottlenecks of cotton supply for the national textile industry. The study was commissioned by GIZ.

Digital traceability and market platform solution for small scale fruit and vegetable producers in cooperation with the Associaton of Negros Producers.

TVET Grant Management System for the Vocational Education Financing Facility (VEFF).

Registration, Accreditation and TVET Grant Management System for the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET) in collaboration with planco GmbH supported by Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).

Digital Traceability application for small-scale organic maize growers implemented for the FöLA Social Business GmbH supported by the develoPPP.de-facility.
Feasbility Study on digital and integrated health system data flows for Tiani Spirits GmbH under the umbrella of the IHE (Integrating the Health Enterprise Framework).